How Will I Know I’m Here

How Will I Know I’m Here

WRITING How Will I Know I’m Here Published by Burning Editions. Sponsored by Galerie Articule, Montreal. Book organized by Andrew Foster. French and English translations. Book contains images and soundtrack excerpts from four of my Film-installations. Also, dialogue...
1 Walked out of 2 and Forgot It

1 Walked out of 2 and Forgot It

WRITING 1 Walked out of 2 and Forgot It Published by Something Else Press The New York Times, Books of the Times, by Thomas Lask “…The structure of the work resembles the dances of Merce Cunningham…. Toby MacLennan has a fey imagination and an incisive way of...
Singing The Stars

Singing The Stars

WRITING Singing The Stars Published by Coach House PressSample/forward by John Cage Samuel R. Delany – On back cover of Singing the Stars ‘In MacLennan the coherence—the repetition—of objects and images urges us to recall Freud’s passing dictum,...